The Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology (IZTECH) was established on 1 February 2008 as an independent public-law non-profit organisation intended for supporting the development of the Polish high-tech industry. The members of IZTECH represent many various industries and consequently include legal persons and natural persons conducting business or scientific activity in various fields of high-tech economy (companies, universities, research institutes, technological centres, technological clusters, industrial parks and financial institutions supporting the high-tech industry). The main goal of the Chamber’s activity is to stimulate development of knowledge-based entrepreneurship and provide comprehensive assistance to its members in achieving commercial success of innovative projects undertaken by those members within the area of advanced technologies.

Wrocław University of Science and Technology is a state technical university located in Wrocław. According to the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities of January 2019, showing involvement of academic institutions on the Internet, the university took the 5th place among the Polish technical universities and the 964th position among all types of universities in the world. With regard to 2020 ‘Perspektywy’ Rankings of Universities, in turn, Wrocław University of Science and Technology was placed third among technical universities and sixth among all academic universities in Poland.

The Polish Federation of Engineering Associations, operating as a community of Engineering Associations, represents the technical community, integrates Polish technicians and engineers, acts for the benefit of strengthening the role of the technical circles, which are, in turn, a significant contributor and co-originator of civilisation progress and sustainable development.

The Polish Federation of Engineering Associations is a voluntary federation of science and technology associations. Following the tradition of the Polish engineering associations dating back to the 19th century, established both in Poland and in exile for the purposes of supporting the patriotic aspirations of Poles and participation in laying the foundations of the economic prosperity of Poland upon its restoration and rebirth, the Federation currently operates for the benefit of continuous civilisation development of the Republic of Poland, simultaneously reinforcing the creative effort of Polish engineers and technicians.

Nowadays, the Polish Federation of Engineering Associations comprises of:

  • 39 Federations of Engineering Associations (Member Associations) which bring together nearly 100,000 members
  • 45 Local Branches of Federations of Engineering Associations, affiliating the branches federated within the structures of the Federation
  • 35 Houses of Technicians, including two institutions built at the beginning of the 20th century with the funds originating from engineers’ contributions (The House of Technicians in Warsaw – 1905 and the House of Technicians in Kraków – 1906)
  • its own publishing house specialising in science and technology press (SIGMA-NOT) that currently publishes 31 titles, including Przegląd Techniczny (Technical Review), which has been published since 1866.


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