Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Central European Technology Forum – CETEF’22 has come to an end. 

CETEF is the key event organised by the Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology (IZTECH) in co-operation with technical universities and industry since 2004. This year the Forum was hosted by Wrocław University of Science and Technology and co-organised by the Polish Federation of Technical Associations and City of Wrocław. Let me express my deepest gratitude to Rector Arkadiusz Wójs for his personal engagement and the whole WUST team for their co-operation.

I want to thank all the participants of our international conference, which is very important for the community of advanced technologies. We had more than 450 participants at the Congress Centre and over 1200 online registrations. The presence of Ms. Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mr. Cristian-Silviu Buşoi, Chairman of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy of the European Parliament and Prof. Jerzy Buzek, Member of the European Parliament, Former Prime Minister of Poland and President of the European Parliament in 2009-2012 was most certainly conducive to facilitating precious contacts among all participants, while discussing the strong innovation potential of Poland and Central European countries. My deepest thanks also go to the EU Parliament for patronage.

On behalf of IZTECH and the co-organisers let me thank our eminent guests – keynote speakers, panelists, moderators, chairpersons of thematic conferences and experts – from the 16 CEE countries for your invaluable participation.

But for our over 50 strategic, scientific, industrial and media Partners, there would be no such successful Forum. The strategic partner of CETEF’22 was KGHM Polska Miedź. We’re also very happy that the Polish Association of Doctoral Candidates representing PhD students and young scientists, who are the future of high-tech industries, was an active participant of our event. To our Partners I wholeheartedly say thank you for your co-operation in preparing and running CETEF’22!

Last but not least, let me congratulate and thank Prof. Ryszard Pregiel – the Honorary President of IZTECH and Chairman od the Forum’s Steering Committee for his enormous effort to prepare and organise the Forum as well as our team – vice presidents and staff of IZTECH for their hard work over several months to make our flag endeavour possible. 

I hope networking and exchange of notes among experts of technical branches critical to successful  digital transformation were fruitful. We will soon release a detailed summary of the Forum with adopted recommendations and a roadmap for co-operation with our Partners towards even better prepared another edition of the Forum.

See you at CETEF’24 hosted by the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow!


Your sincerely,

Zygmunt Krasiński

President of the Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology


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